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Pysical Education Rules

by Lance Baar


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-Students may earn 3 points daily for participation and following the rules. 

-Students must have approved shorts, shirts, socks, and tennis shoes. 

- NO suiting (choosing not to suit up for class) earns the student 0 points.  Only excused no suits may be made up.  (Dr. Note)

- Choosing to break gym rules results in loss of points. Grades will be taken daily and averaged out. 

    - A 100-90        B 89-80        C 79-70        D 69-60           F Below 60

- Students must satisfy the requirements of the attendance policy to earn their grade. 

No Suit Policy

- Un-Excused no suits cannot be made up.  If a student forgets their clothes, or shoes it will be and automatic No Suit. 
- If a student decides they do not want to participate that day without it being excused (Dr. Note). That student will be given a 0 for the day.  
- If a student does not suit up for class they will sit in the gym with the rest of their class while working on homework or reading. 
     - If a student does not have homework or reading of their own I will provide them with an article review.  

Basic Rules 

- Be in the bleachers dressed out and ready for physical activity three minutes following the tardy bell.

- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself at all times.

- No swearing, put downs, verbal, or otherwise at all times.

- No gum at any time while in the gym.

- Shoes must be tied securely during class.

- Food and drinks are not allowed in any part of the gym. 

- No jewelry may be worn during class.

- All possessions are locked in locker or you are responsible for the loss.

- If you choose to use a lock (recommended) you are responsible for your lock, locker, and combination.

- If a student is hurt or bleeding, he/she should remain where they are until the injury can be identified bleeding can be controlled. 

- The equipment rooms are off limits to anyone except myself or student aids.

- Keep locker rooms clean and your materials properly discarded.

- Remain seated in the bleachers until attendance has been taken and you have been instructed don what to do. 

Make-up Policy

- All make-up work must be don by prior arrangement. 

- If a student has a Doctors note and cannot participate in class, arrangements will be made for alternate means to earn credit during the time they are unable to participate.


- If a student loses a point(s) there will be an initial beside their daily grade on goedustar.  The student and Parent(s) will be able to see why they received the daily grade for each day.  The initials stand for the rule/reason in which they lost the point(s)

T - means the student was late getting to class.  Student showed up, and dressed out but was not on time. (tardy) 
R - means the student broke a rule or was disrespectful to another student, a teacher, or the equipment. 
P - means the student dressed out and followed all rules but did not participate fully in the activity.  


By signing this form I indicate I have read and understand the rules and grading policies in Physical Education/Strength Classes.  

Student Signature _____________________________                             Parent Signature ____________________________