Follis Wins Poster Contest
Jackie Campbell
Kailyn Follis took first place in the Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Hilde Heskett placed second.This is Hoxie's fourth year to enter the Lions International Peace Poster Contest. The contest was sponsored by Hoxie Hot Rodders Lions Club. Middle school art students at the Hoxie Jr./Sr. High School were able to participate in the contest.
As an art project, the class had to follow the contest rules and guidelines to complete a poster that showed originality, artistic merit, and expression of the theme. This year's theme was "Journey of Peace." It is an international contest for students to show how they imagine peace with others.
Board members from the Hot Rodders Lions Club voted on the posters. Kailyn Follis was selected as the winner and Hilde Heskett placed second. Kailyn's poster will be forwarded and judged at an international level.