Food Drive
Hoxie’s KAY and FCCLA has decided to sponsor a food drive and cash fund raiser in order to get families food they may need for the holidays; any cash will be submitted to an organization. They have created a class competition between the high school. The winning class with the most point by December 13 will win a pizza party. Items can be dropped of in boxes placed in class sponsors rooms. All items must be counted in original package and can’t be broken down for extra points. If there are any further questions please ask Mrs. Beiker, Zoe Gregory, or Jaylei Sloan.
Food Drive
November 25 - December 13
Double Points on cans will run November 26 and December 10.
Double Points on cash will run December 11 and 12.
5 Points-
Canned meat
Regular size cereal
Velveeta cheese blocks
Peanut butter
Canned meat
3 Points-
Canned vegetables/fruits
Canned soup
Hamburger/chicken/tuna helper
Hygiene items
Dried Fruit
Parmesan cheese
1 Point-
Ramen noodles
Fruit cup
Jell-O cup
Pudding cup
Cash ($1=1pt)