Public Participation Board Policy
Board Policy Regarding Public Participation in Board Meetings
BCBI Public Participation BCBI
The general public shall be invited to attend all board meetings, except executive sessions.
Approved: November 1999
BCBI-R Public Participation BGBI-R
Any patrons wishing to speak to the board shall first notify the superintendent seven days prior to the meeting and state the reason(s) for the request. The superintendent shall determine whether said request can be solved by the staff without appearance of the patron before the board. If not, the superintendent shall place the patron’s request on the agenda of the next regular board meeting.
At each meeting of the board, the president or the presiding officer of the board shall welcome all visitors to the board meeting.
The board president may, at his discretion, ask those patrons attending the board meeting if any of them have something to bring to the attention of the board. The rules for the public forum are available through the clerk prior to the board meeting and at the meeting itself. The board president may impose a limit on the amount of time a visitor may have to address the board. The board president may ask groups with the same special interest to appoint a spokesperson.
If it appears that the matter which the visitor wished the board to consider will consume an amount of time the board feels cannot be spared at said meeting, the board shall invite such visitor to return at a regular or special meeting.
Handling of Complaints (See KN)
Only in those cases where satisfactory adjustment cannot be made by a principal or the superintendent, shall the superintendent refer complaints to the board.
Approved: November 1999